Learning the guitar

I’ve been thinking about picking up the guitar again lately. I learnt the basics years ago, back when I was at school. I had a teacher for a few months and learnt the basic chords and I’ve played a bit since then, although not in the last 4 years. I guess I just got busy with work and life but recently I’ve been wanting to start up again. I always found playing quite therapeutic. I used to always buy the chord books for my favourite albums if there were some easy songs, to try and learn to play some of the tracks I liked. I find it’s a lot more fun playing songs you know and love.

Since I learnt the basics of the guitar, probably around 15-20 years ago, I haven’t really improved too much which is kinda sad. I’ve just kinda stuck to the basics but I am looking to change that now. I want to set some goals and start taking it more seriously, and maybe eventually start writing my own songs! I’m considering trying an online guitar training program like the type mentioned at Just Like Hendrix or alternatively, just buying some instructional DVDs from Amazon and learning that way. At the moment I’m leaning more towards the online lessons. I feel like it’ll motivate me more, just knowing that I’m paying every month adds a bit of healthy pressure. With the DVDs, I’m likely to buy them and then just forget about them.

Anyway watch this space, maybe I’ll post my 1st Hendrix solo soon! 🙂