
Hi, and welcome to my blog! This is my space to express all of my musings on music, life, goals, and the things that inspire me. I say that music is my therapy because with all of the experiences that I have had in life so far, music is one of those things that seems to always ground me and bring me back to what is familiar and what I love. There isn’t much that I love more than losing myself in a song – the beat, the melody, the emotion in the vocal…bliss.

I’ll try and share some of those songs that have had that kind of impact on me in this blog, hopefully you’ll like them too!

I listen to quite a wide variety of genres, I love soul, hiphop, r&b, rock, alternative, pop, jazz, acoustic, folk, funk, and maybe more!  So hopefully you will find something you like!

I’ll also share just some general thoughts on life and experiences I have.

I hope you enjoy reading!